Roach Control in Delray Beach
There is nothing worse than finding a cockroach in the kitchen! Aside from being generally revolting pests, they can pose a health risk as vectors for disease. Trust our experts to keep your entire property free from roaches.

Cockroach Control Treatment

Our technicians are trained to handle cockroach infestations with an integrated approach. We use traditional pesticide applications as well as working with our residential and commercial clients to exclude cockroaches from finding entry, fixing problem areas and improving sanitation to reduce the chances of re-infestation. Southeast Florida Pest Control will help you exterminate roaches and keep them out for good!
How Our Cockroach Control Service Works
At Southeast Florida Pest Control, we guarantee our cockroach treatment is thorough and effective. Roaches are notorious for being extremely difficult to eliminate which is why professional services are necessary. We'll evaluate and inspect your property for signs of cockroaches and identify where their nesting in your home.
Interior Roach Control
Treatments are performed throughout the home/structure and may include, low-impact products for the elimination of cockroaches, baits, dusts, traps, and or insect monitors. Our most important tool, and yours, is the vacuum cleaner. It gets rid of roaches, their feces, and other debris. Our 2-step initial Cockroach Control Service carries a 30-day guarantee, as long as both service visits have been completed.
Exterior Roach Control
Roaches outside in the landscape can be a problem too. Our exterior roach control service keeps outside roaches from getting inside. The American, Oriental and Turkestan cockroaches can live in plants and shrubs outside your home. Treatments vary depending on the type of cockroach. Brown-Banded and German Cockroaches are Indoor pests, whereas Turkestan, American and Oriental roaches are primarily outdoor pests.